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university subjects

The bar graph illustrates the number of students enrolled in five subjects at Madison University in 2010 and 2018.


Generally speaking, student enrollments in English were the highest in both 2010 and 2018. Furthermore, the number of students enrolled in English and accounting increased in 2018, whereas the number of students enrolled on geography, history and art decreased.


The number of students enrolled in English rose from 10000 in 2010 to 13000 in 2018, while the number of students enrolled in geography plummented from 6000 to less than 1000.

The students enrolled in accounting more than doubled in 2018 (from 3000 to 8000) to make accounting the second most popular subject.


Enrollments in history and art declined, with student numbers enrolled in art dropping by half (from 2000 to 1000). The decrease in enrollments in history was less dramatic (from 5000 to 3500)


Overall, English remained the most popular subject at Madison University in 2018 and enrollments in accounting more than doubled. However, enrollments in both geography and art dropped quite significantly. (172)

Uni subjects
Product trends

product trends

The line graph depicts the sales trends of three electronic devices (desktop computers, laptops and tablets) for a six month period in 2017.


In general, sales of desktops dropped dramatically over the period, whereas in contrast, the sales of tablets soared. The sales of laptops rose slightly.


The sales of destops was the highest of the three products in January (80 products) but declined significantly between January and March to 25 products. From March to June, sales continued to decrease steadily to end at only 5 products sold in June 2017.


On the other hand, the sales of tablets took off over the six months, rising steadily from January to March (10 to 20 products) and then rocketting to 95 products sold in June 2017.


The number of laptops sold fluctuated. They dropped slightly from January to February, then rose steadily through to April (50 products) before decreasing slightly again in May and then rising to 55 products sold in June 2017.


Overall, the graph illustrates the dramatic decline in the sale of desktop laptops over the six months and the comparative rise in the sale of tablets. (188)

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tourists to myanmar

The two pie graphs illustrate the percentage of tourists to Myanmar in 2000 and 2018 from five different regions (Vietnam, China, Thailand, Europe & UK and Malaysia).


In general, the pie graphs reveal that the greatest percentage of tourists to Myanmar came from China in 2000 and 2018. Visitors from Vietnam remained stable, while the percentage of tourists from Thailand, Europe and UK and Malaysia all decreased over the period.


The percentage of tourists from China grew significantly from 35 to 55% between 2000 and 2018, while in contrast the percentage from Europe and UK plummeted, dropping by more than half (from 12 to 4 %). Similarly, the percentage of tourists from Malaysia also diminished dramatically, from 10 to 5 % whereas the percentage of Vietnamese tourists remained unchanged at 15%.


In conclusion, the percentage of Chinese tourists increased from 2000 to 2018 at the expense of tourists from Thailand, Europe and UK, and Malaysia while the percentage of Vietnamese tourists remained consistent. (163)

MM Tourism

city problems

The two pie graphs depict the typical issues for people living in Yangon in 2010 and 2020.


Generally, the percentage of people concerned about urban noise, rubbish and pollution increased significantly between 2010 and 2020, while the proportion of people worried about street dogs and the noise generated by neighbours decreased.


The most dramatic drop occurred in regard to street dogs, which 40% of people registered as a concern in 2010 but fell to 10% in 2020. Concerns about noisy neighbours halved, from 20% to 10% over the decade. In contrast, the percentage of residents having problems with city noise doubled from 5% to 10% while concerns about rubbish trebled, from 10% to 30%. The largest issue in 2020 was pollution, which rose significantly from 25% in 2010 to 40% in 2020.


The graphs illustrate that over the ten-year period from 2010 to 2020, people living in Yangon have become less concerned with street dogs and noisy neighbours and significantly more worried about rubbish and pollution.

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City Problems

sports at school

The bar graph depicts the involvement of male and female students at Richmond School in six sporting activities in June 2019.


In general, boys were well represented in all sports, except hockey, whereas girls were mostly involved in tennis, badminton and swimming. The most popular sport for boys was football, while girls were most involved in swimming.


The number of boys involved in football was almost triple the number of girls (60 and 21 respectively). Football was one of three sports with a low participation for girls, the others were cycling (20) and hockey (9). Hockey was the least popular of all the sports among Richmond School children, with only 9 girls and 15 boys being involved in the sport. The largest number of girls participated in swimming (50) which was the same as the number of boys who played tennis.


In conclusion, over 30 boys at Richmond School participated in all sports except hockey, whereas girls were less represented in cycling, football and hockey and most participated in swimming. (170)


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