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geothermal power

The diagram depicts the production of power at a power plant using geothermal energy. In total, there are five stages in the process.


Initially, cold water from above the ground is pumped 4.5 kilometres underground into an injection well. Once in the injection well, the cold water is passed through a stratum of rocks (a geothermal zone) in order to heat the water. Once the water has been sufficiently heated by the rocks, it is kept in a production well. From this well, the heated water is pumped back to the surface where it is then contained in a condenser.


The condenser converts the heated water into steam which is used to drive a turbine. In this stage of the process, the movement of the turbine powers a generator which creates electricity. 


In the final stage, this electricity is connected to the grid to provide heating, lighting and power to people and industry. (153 words)

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milk production

The diagram displays the method used for the making of dairy products, such as milk, cream, cheese and butter.

There are in total six stages or steps in the process.


In the initial stage, cows are grazed in fields eating grass. After that, twice a day, cows are brought to a milking machine where milk is taken from them. Following this, the milk is stored in large refrigeration vats in order to keep it cold and fresh. Every day, the milk is collected from the vats and transported by a milk tanker to a dairy.


Once the milk is delivered to the dairy, it is processed and the different products are created (for example, milk, cheese, cream and butter). In this stage, the milk is pasteurized and then packaged into containers.


Once the milk has been packaged it is shipped to retailers (such as supermarkets and shops), where it is available to be purchased by the consumer.      157

Milk production

taxi service

The flow diagram illustrates the process for booking a taxi. There are two different methods depicted in the diagram, each with three stages.


In the initial stage of both methods, the customer wants a taxi. The customer can then either book a taxi online or book a taxi by using a phone.


In the next stage, if the customer books online, their booking is handled by a representative on a workstation desktop. If the customer books by phone, then their booking is handled by a telephone operator.


Once the request for a taxi has been booked, the booking is passed on to a taxi service server. In the final stage, the taxi service server contacts a taxi driver to respond to the customer. The taxi service server may dispatch a small or medium size car or a small truck depending in the requirements of the customer. (146 words)

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red wine

The diagram displays the method used for producing red wine. There are in total, ten stages in the production process.


In the initial stage, grapes are selected and harvested. After this, they are kept in an anaerobic condition for a period of two to three weeks. In the next stage, the grapes are crushed in a crushing machine before being fermented, (with their skins) in a pot ale.


After the grapes have been fermented, they are pressed in a drainer in order to remove the skins and stems and produce free running grape juice. This free running grape juice is again fermented (without skins) in a pot ale. After that, the juice is filtered and clarified before being placed in an oaken cask or barrel for the maturation process, which lasts from 6 to 24 months.


Once the grape juice has matured, adjustments are made to the taste and acid and sugar are added. In the final step, the juice, which is now red wine, is bottled.        167

Red Wine


The diagram illustrates the eight stages in the process for making fashion.


Initially, fibres are grown and then harvested. After they have been harvested, the fibres are put through the ginning stage where the fibre lint is separated from the seeds. At the same time, the fibres are spun into yarn or thread.


Once the thread has been created, it is then knitted or woven to create fabric or cloth which is then processed. During the processing stage, the fabric may be dyed or patterns may be printed onto the fabric. Once this has been completed, the fabric is then cut, made and trimmed into a garment, for example a t-shirt or dress.


The created garment is then ready to be traded on the market, which will involve manufacturers dealing with suppliers and wholesalers. Finally, the finished fashion product is ready to be sold and retailing occurs when the garment is bought by a consumer.

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Life cycle of an automobile

The diagram illustrates the stages in the life cycle of an automobile product, such as a car. There are seven distinct stages.


Initially, recycled and raw materials are delivered to a factory, where automobiles are manufactured, and are used in the construction and assembly of new vehicles. Following that stage, the new vehicles are purchased, owned, driven and maintained by a consumer. In the next stage, the vehicle breaks down and is unable to be repaired.  After this stage, the automobile is taken to a scrap or recycling yard.


At the recycling yard, the vehicle is disassembled and spare parts and materials are salvaged from the automobile. Once the salvaging of useful parts and materials has been completed, the steel body of the vehicle is compacted and crushed in a machine.


Finally, the recycled material and parts of the vehicle are used again in the manufacture and assembly stage of the life cycle


Life cycle of an automobile

The diagram illustrates the stages in the life cycle of an automobile product, such as a car. There are seven distinct stages.


Initially, recycled and raw materials are delivered to a factory, where automobiles are manufactured, and are used in the construction and assembly of new vehicles. Following that stage, the new vehicles are purchased, owned, driven and maintained by a consumer. In the next stage, the vehicle breaks down and is unable to be repaired.  After this stage, the automobile is taken to a scrap or recycling yard.


At the recycling yard, the vehicle is disassembled and spare parts and materials are salvaged from the automobile. Once the salvaging of useful parts and materials has been completed, the steel body of the vehicle is compacted and crushed in a machine.


Finally, the recycled material and parts of the vehicle are used again in the manufacture and assembly stage of the life cycle

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