onedharmaMar 8, 2023The death of Tibetan?Tibetan is now being used less in schools in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. Read the article and complete the sentences.
onedharmaJan 14, 2021Fast fashion and sweatshopsFast fashion often means using cheap labour in sweatshops. Read the article and watch the video about a sweatshop in Asia.
onedharmaJan 8, 2021Speaking about globalisationA number of questions related to globalisation that an examiner may ask in IELTS Speaking Part 3.
onedharmaJan 7, 2021Globalisation: good or bad?Due to technological progress and advances in international cooperation, the world is now more connected than ever. Write an IELTS essay.
onedharmaDec 31, 2020Fast fashion and the environmentFast fashion like fast food is convenient. And like fast food, fast fashion is unhealthy. Watch the video and complete the summary.