onedharmaSep 16, 2020Thailand's plastic monkPASSIVE FORMS: Complete the summary about a monk who has created an innovative way to address the problem of plastic pollution.
onedharmaSep 10, 2020SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicles) are BADMore Myanmar people are buying and driving SUVs, Read the article about why this is a bad idea and identify the statements as TFNG
onedharmaSep 3, 2020Myanmar loves chickenMyanmar is also one of the biggest consumers of poultry (chicken meat). Identify the six statements as true, false or not given.
onedharmaAug 28, 2020Myanmar doughnutRead the article about a traditional Burmese snack that has combined with the modern doughnut and complete the summary.
onedharmaJun 25, 2020Attention EconomyWe are now living in an Attention Economy. Global businesses compete for our attention. Read the article below and complete the sentences.