onedharmaJun 9, 2020Clinical TrialsClinical trials are a type of research that studies new medical tests. Listen to the video and complete the summary.
onedharmaJun 1, 2020City and country livingRead the brief article about the advantages of city and country living and find the vocabulary to match the meanings and synonyms.
onedharmaMay 21, 2020Plastic crisis in MyanmarPlastic doesn't go away. It's not biodegradable. Read the article about plastic pollution in Myanmar and complete the test.
onedharmaMay 19, 2020Effective communicationComplete the summary about effective communication and listen to Thich Nhat Hanh discuss loving speech and mindful listening.
onedharmaMay 14, 2020Addiction to plasticThere's no doubt about it, plastic is a problem. . Listen to the BBC podcast and complete the IELTS style summary.