onedharmaSep 23, 2020Myanmar's plastic monk Now a Myanmar monk is encouraging people to recycle plastic. Read the article about his efforts and complete the summary.
onedharmaSep 16, 2020Thailand's plastic monkPASSIVE FORMS: Complete the summary about a monk who has created an innovative way to address the problem of plastic pollution.
onedharmaJun 15, 2020Environmental JusticeMining is causing significant environmental problems for local communities. Read the article and answer the IELTS style questions.
onedharmaJun 7, 2020Noise PollutionNoise levels in urban areas is now considered by many people as a serious health problem. Read the article and match the features.
onedharmaMay 21, 2020Plastic crisis in MyanmarPlastic doesn't go away. It's not biodegradable. Read the article about plastic pollution in Myanmar and complete the test.