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The continued growth of globalisation is major concern of the 21st century. This cultural, social and economic process may lead to the total extinction of many different cultures in different parts of the world. In the following essay I outline some of the negative effects of globalisation.


Language is the prime factor of cultural identity. As globalisation occurs, the English language is increasingly becoming the common language of this century, whereas other languages, such as Bhutanese and Tibetan are vanishing. Furthermore, language cannot be learnt (or used) free from its cultural origins and contexts, so as more English is used around the world, more of the world becomes English.


Moreover, as the world becomes more technologically advanced and people use smart phones to connect with each other, we adopt similar ways of living as well. We become aware of and are encouraged to try eating and wearing the popular dishes and fashions (such as pizza, bread and coffee, and t-shirts and pants) that are promoted through the globalisation process. For many local people, especially young people, the latest global fashions are preferred rather than the more local and traditional dishes and clothing. Most Asian countries have their own traditional drinks and food, but nowadays many local people go for coffee and bread ather then the traditional rice and green tea.


In conclusion, I strongly agree that there are negative effects of globalisation, especially on cultural preservation. I believe that it is critical to preserve the cultural identities of different people and different countries. It is this diversity of culture that makes our world a fascinating and interesting place. (267)



Work & Home

Both parents working


It is an unfortunate reality that many young families are choosing, largely due to economic circumstances, to abandon parenting in favour of earning an income. While the increased income helps to support a standard of living, it is some argue, at the expense of the children’s social and familial development. In the following essay, I consider both the advantages and disadvantages for children when both parents are in paid work, outside the home.


A two-income family most definitely means a higher level of income coming into the family home. Often this additional income is spent on facilities that support the children of the family, such as access to education, both formally as in schooling and informally, as in educational toys, gadgets and applications. In addition, extra income can also result in children having a widening of their experiences, as families can afford to travel more widely and participate in more cultural and social events.


The advent of additional income however, only is of benefit to the children, if it is going to the children. In some cases, children may not benefit from the extra income, and in fact may suffer, due to the absence of a parent in their day-to-day lives. Bonding with a parent in the early formative years is a critical part of child development, and if this fails to occur, can have dramatic repercussions later in life. Ultimately, modern gadgets and innovative technology, however educational, are no substitute for the loving closeness of a mother or father.


In my view, parents should consider carefully all the possible options before deciding to become dual income earners. I feel that too often parents choose material prosperity as being of greater importance than the emotional and psychological needs of their children.

The value of sport

Sport Q.png

There’s no question that sport is a part of society, but just how significant is it? Does it actually provide an important function in society or is it simply a leisure activity enjoyed by only a part of the population. In this essay, I argue that sport does play a significant role in society.


Sport unites people, in communities, in regions and nationally. For example, while only a handful of sportspeople may be actually involved in an international sports event, it is not uncommon for millions of people to be watching and supporting their national team or an individual sportsperson who is representing their country. Furthermore, successful sportspeople are often ambassadors for their countries and can promote tourism, which benefits the economy. Finally, sports stars can be influential role models, especially for the youth of a society. They can promote good social values and ethics.


Some people argue that sport is simply an activity that some people do in their free time. While it may be true that not everybody is actively involved in sport, especially the elderly and less physically fit, it does nevertheless contribute to the overall health of a country’s population. Sports are also important, not only for physical development (e.g. motor skills, coordination) but also to help children learn skills such as teamwork and discipline.


To sum up, it is my view that sport has a significant role to play in a society, particularly in the development and maintenance of a group identity and the growth of a healthy population.



Medical breakthroughs


The world has changed considerably in the last 200 years; there have been huge scientific discoveries and developments in medicine, automation, transport and communications. While medical breakthroughs have undoubtedly been significant, in this essay I argue that advances in areas of communication, transport and technology have been equally impactful.


Developments in the fields of healthcare and medicine have most definitely led to a healthier and longer living global population. Firstly, discoveries such as penicillin which resulted in the development of antibiotics, and aspirin which was the forerunner of the modern painkiller, have transformed basic health treatments. In addition, breakthroughs such as x-rays and anaesthesia have allowed medical professionals to more accurately diagnose and treat serious health problems. Such advances have saved hundreds of millions of lives and had a huge impact on both the quality of people’s lives and also increased the lifespans.


However, globally, such medical developments have only become available to many people due to technological advancements in transport and communication. The development of commercial airlines, the invention of computers and then the internet in the later part of the twentieth century contributed significantly to the globalisation of the world and the rapid spread and sharing of information, including knowledge of advances in medicine and healthcare. Unfortunately, globalisation has also had many negative effects, including the spread of industrialization, urbanization and consumerism, all of which have had, and continue to have, a devastating impact on the health of the planet.


In conclusion, while there is no doubt that medical breakthroughs have been hugely important for the world in the last 200 years, they have been equaled by advances in other fields, such as transportation, travel and communication. However, none of these advances will be of great significance should human behaviours and attitudes lead ultimately to the destruction of our planet.


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