onedharmaJan 27, 2021Growing opiumThe cultivation of opium has become the major livelihood of many Myanmar people. Read the article and complete the sentences.
onedharmaJul 1, 2020World Drug DayFriday 26 June was 'World Drug Day'. Read the brief article about World Drug Day in Myanmar and answer the questions.
onedharmaMar 17, 2020Myanmar coal miningBut this boom in coal mining in Eastern Shan State is causing environmental problems. Watch the video and complete the five questions.
onedharmaMar 16, 2020Huge drug haul Recently, the Myanmar army seized drugs from three factories in Shan state. Read the article and identify the TFNG statements.
onedharmaFeb 8, 2020Shan National Day 2020PASSIVE TENSES: For the first time, the Attorney-General attended the Shan National Day. Read the article and test your grammar skills.