Buddha and the lake
Listen to the short story about the Buddha and the lake.
So, stay calm. Let go of your worries and concerns. Be at peace. Make good decisions.
Now listen to the story again and answer the 5 multiple choice vocabulary questions in the test below.
I hope you enjoyed the dhamma story. May you mind be calm and may you be at peace.
Hnin Nwe. Top score. Well done :)
A-2, B-3, C-2, D-2, E-1
It is a great video and I got an invaluable moral lesson. The answers are A-3, B-2 , C-2, D-3 , E-3
Linn Linn San. Great vocabulary.
Good lesson Sir, thank you. Noticed. Ans A. 3, B. 2, C. 2, D.2, E. 3.