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To fast (v) = to stop eating for a period of time.

This is why we call the first meal of the day 'breakfast' because in the morning we stop (break) our fast (not eating) that happens when we are asleep. So, breakfast.

Many cultures and religions have fasting in their traditions. For example in Theravada Buddhism, monks fast after midday. Fasting has become a bit of a trend in some developed countries.

Some people think that fasting is beneficial for our health, while others believe it can be dangerous. Read the seven questions below and identify the keywords. Then listen to the podcast about fasting. When you are ready, enter your answers in the test below.

  1. How often does the speaker think people should fast?

  2. In the UK how much do they spend every hour treating Type 2 diabetes?

  3. What has caused the dramatic increase in Type 2 diabetes?

  4. Diabetes is increasing massively in which two countries?

  5. One of the main problems now is that high calorie food is ___________________?

  6. What does reduced calorie intake enable you to do?

  7. Which country do some of the longest-living people come from?


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