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Future form: 'will'

Using the correct grammar to describe future events or intentions is not always easy. One of the forms we use to talk about the future is 'will'. We use 'will' to state our intention in the future and it is usually quite a strong intention. For example:

"I'll finish my assignment on Saturday." (future simple)

Subject + will + verb1 + [object] + [time expression]

This means I intend (quite strongly) to finish my assignment on Saturday. I do not intend to finish it on Thursday or Friday. I intend to complete it on Saturday. The 'future simple refers to an action that will happen at a point of time in the future (e.g. Saturday).

I can also say:

"I'll be finishing my assignment on Saturday" (future continuous)

Subject + will + 'be' + verb-ing + [object] + [time expression]

This means that my intention is to be working on my assignment and finishing it on Saturday. The 'future continuous' refers to an action that I intend to be happening at a time in the future.

Finally, I can say:

"I'll have finished my assignment by Saturday" (future perfect simple)

Subject + will + have/has + verb3 + [object] + [time expression]

Now, this means, I intend (quite strongly) for my assignment to be completed by Saturday not on Saturday. I intend, at some time between now (the present) and Saturday to finish my assignment.

Below is my schedule for tomorrow. Examine the schedule and then answer the questions in the sheet about my future plans.


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