Matching Headings (reading)
In this type of questions you will be given a list of headings, usually including two extra headings. You will need to match the correct heading with the correct paragraph in the reading text.
Do the easier ones first.
If you can't complete a match quickly, MOVE ON.
Read the title of the reading. What’s it about? What's the context?
Quickly skim read the passage – you are not reading to understand every word or every sentence. You are quickly reading to get your brain thinking about the topic.
Read the list of headings and identify the key ideas. NOT the keywords!
Skim read PARAGRAPH 1, especially the first two sentences and last sentence. Underline the main idea of the paragraph.
Check the headings - can you find a match? Remember, you are NOT matching keywords, you are matching key IDEAS. If you find a heading that matches the idea in the paragraph, choose it and CROSS IT OUT
If you can’t find a match MOVE ON, skim read the first two sentences and last sentence in PARAGRAPH 2 and repeat Step 5.
Continue skim reading all the paragraphs to the end of the text.
Now, go back and re-read the paragraphs you did not match and match them with any headings not crossed out.
If you don’t know or are not sure, HAVE A GUESS!
DO NOT slowly read all the paragraphs. YOU DON’T HAVE TIME
Remember you are looking to match the main IDEA not keywords
All paragraphs will have a MAIN IDEA, then usually examples or arguments to support it. Remember, you are interested in the MAIN IDEA of the paragraph not the supporting examples (which may include words used in the extra headings!)
Remember writing structure. The first paragraph will probably be an introductory paragraph; it may give general or historical background on the reading topic.
When you practice, you need to focus on SPEED as much as ACCURACY. You need to be able to complete you matches relatively quickly. Click on the link below for some 'Matching Headings' practice.