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Speaking Part 1: Topics & Questions

IELTS Speaking Part 1 is about you. The examiner will ask you familiar, everyday questions about your life.

  • Usually the examiner will ask you questions based on three topics

  • And will ask 3-4 questions in each topic

Some typical topics include:

  • your work or study

  • your free time

  • your hometown

  • your family

  • your friends

  • your daily routines and activities

  • your hobbies and interests

  • your neighbours and neighbourhood

  • travel and transport

  • food and cooking

  • clothing

Some typical questions may be:

Your study

  • What do you do? Do you work or do you study?

  • What are you studying?

  • Why did you choose that subject?

  • What are you planning to do when you finish your studies?

Your friends

  • How many friends do you have?

  • Do you prefer to have one particular friend or a group of friends?

  • What do you usually do with your friends?

  • What makes a friend into a good friend?


  • How do you usually get online?

  • Do you prefer to use a laptop or a mobile phone?

  • What do you mainly go online for?

  • Do you think its important to learn to use a computer?

You can find more Speaking Part 1 topics and questions at IELTS Liz


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