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World Environment Day

The Covid-19 pandemic has had some unexpected benefits for the environment: cleaner air, less noise pollution, more peace and quiet for wildlife. This is great because we all need to be conscious of our environment as we would not be able to survive if we did not have clean air and water and land to live on.

June 5 is World Environmental Day.

Read the brief article below and provide SHORT ANSWERS of NO MORE than TWO WORDS and/or a NUMBER.

  1. In what year the first World Environment Day (WED) held?

  2. What is the main purpose of World Environment Day (WED)?

  3. What is the theme for the 2020 World Environment Day (WED)?

  4. Which insect has caused environmental problems in East Africa?

  5. What does biodiversity support?

  6. How are zoonotic diseases passed to humans?

  7. Which country is co-hosting the World Environment Day (WED) with Colombia?


The UN General Assembly established World Environment Day (WED) in 1972 at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The first WED was held two years later with the theme ‘Only One Earth’. Celebrations have been held annually ever since, and in 1987 it was decided the centre for the activities should be rotated so that different countries can host it. The main idea behind marking June 5 as World Environment Day is to raise awareness about environmental issues like global warming, marine pollution, human over-population, protection of wildlife, and sustainable consumption. It has spread so far and wide, that WED has become a global platform for countries to reach out to the public. For 2020, the theme for World Environment Day is ‘Celebrate Biodiversity’, which the United Nations believes is a concern that is both urgent and existential. Citing the recent events, such as the bushfires in Brazil, locust infestations across East Africa and the global COVID-19 pandemic, the United Nations has said that it all demonstrates the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.

The emergence of COVID-19 has shown the world that when we destroy biodiversity, we destroy the system that supports human life. Today, it is estimated that, globally, about one billion cases of illness and millions of deaths occur every year from diseases caused by coronaviruses; and about 75 per cent of all emerging infectious diseases in humans are zoonotic, meaning that they are transmitted to people by animals. As has been happening every year, Colombia has this year been chosen as the country to host the World Environment Day 2020 event in collaboration with Germany. Last year it was hosted by China, and the theme had been ‘Beat Air pollution’.

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