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JDS Scholarship #1

If you're thinking you may apply for a JDS (Japanese Grant Aid) scholarship, then you need to decide if you're serious, because if you're serious. you need to be DOING SOMETHING NOW.

Too many students leave their JDS application 'until the last minute' (= too late)

The deadline for applications will be around the end of October 2020, but you need to do a lot of preparation before then. If you would like to be awarded a JDS scholarship in 2020, you should start thinking about your application NOW.

The main reason to start planning NOW is so you can have enough time to think about your research PROPOSAL or PLAN. This is the most critical part of your application, and you won't get accepted of this is not well thought out, designed and presented.

Below is an outline (taken from the JDS Application Guidelines) of what you need to think about and include in your JDS research proposal.

There is MUCH to think about. So, if you want to try for a JDS scholarship in 2020, leave a comment below and I will help you in any way I can.


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