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Matriculation#1: Know what you can and can't do

The first things you need to know to prepare well for the exam are:

  1. What do you need to do in the exam

  2. What you can do (what are you good at)

  3. What you can't do (what do you need to get better and faster at)

What you need to do

The matriculation English exam has many parts. The table below shows the different parts of the 2019 English exam.

This is a BIG exam, with many different parts. The exam tests many different reading and writing skills (e.g. comprehension, grammar, punctuation, essay writing, letter writing).

You much also be very aware of the TIME you have in the exam for each part of the exam (e.g. 18 minutes, 9 minutes).

What you can do

You need to identify which parts of the exam YOU CAN DO in the time you have in the exam.

You must discover which parts of the exam you can complete in the time you have (e.g. 18 minutes, 9 minutes, 27 minutes).

Once you know which parts of the exam you can complete, then FORGET about these parts for now.

What you can't do

This is what is most important.

Now, you need to identify the parts of the exam that are difficult for you. The parts that YOU CAN NOT DO in the TIME you have in the exam.

Make a list of the parts of the exam that you need to get better at.

These are the areas of ENGLISH you will need to study before the exam in March.


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