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TASK 1: Write your Profile

Today is Monday 2nd December 2019.

My first official day of holiday and the first day that my current students at UAGO are without English classes. Normally, for the students in the Intensive class, they would spend two hours speaking, writing, listening and reading English. Today, probably ....nothing. No English.

That's not good for those of you who want to keep improving your English. English is something you MUST USE or you will LOSE your skills, so every day of the week (Monday to Friday) I am going to give you a task to make sure you are USING English. Today is TASK 1 and it is a writing task.

Your task for today is to write you profile here at jayzuubar. You must add a picture of yourself and write a short (150 - 200 words) description of you. If you're not sure what to do then check out Ei Ei Thein's profile or see my profile below.

If you have any trouble with finding or editing your profile, then click on the CHAT button at the bottom right of the screen and leave me a message and I will try and help.

Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT - you must keep using your English language or your skills will decrease.

I'm looking forward to reading your profiles!


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Dec 04, 2019

I am so proud of you all. The level of English in your profiles is fantastic and you are all so motivated to keep improving. I think you are all just wonderful and I will help you as much as I can to improve and develop your English.

Also, I hope as we all spend more time together here, you will help and support each other.

You each have unique strengths and experiences; some know about IELTS, some don't. Some of you are experts in law, accounting, mathematics or English. Some of you have done scholarships abroad, others want to. Some have excellent informal English, others are good at reading, or writing.

I hope as our community grows, this will…


Dec 04, 2019

Mamahninlay - Hnin Nwe, my dear student, thank you so much for the kind words in your profile and what a great profile, although I have to disagree. I think you do have reasoning power :) and you probably have enough critical thinking skills.

Now, add your profile to your members page and I will send you my favourite picture of you :).


Dec 04, 2019

Hi! I am an English Language teacher of Meiktila Education College. I have been working since 2005. I am responsible for training pre-service teachers. I am always satisfied with my job. I love teaching them. I am delighted that when they do peer group teaching as it can reflect me and I can give them feedback. Moreover, I am eager to study English Language skills for my younger generation as well as myself.

I have a little computer skill as well as interpersonal skills. I am energetic and ambitious person. I am open-minded, patient, supportive towards other people, especially towards my colleagues and trainees. In contract, I have no reasoning power, creative and critical thinking skills.

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Dec 03, 2019

Thin Moe, great profile and very cute pic, but unfortunately not quite in the right place. I've sent you an email with some feedback and some instructions on how to put your profile into your membership space in jayzuubar.

Also, I've left you a chat message about the NZ scholarship and IELTS 6.


Dec 03, 2019

Hi, I am Thin Thin Moe. Now I am serving as a staff officer in Union Assembly. I am interested in learning languages, especially English. But I am a lazy girl to try hard.

I want to improve my speaking skill than the other skills because I can not communicate very well even though I know how to say in English. I am not rich in vocabulary. Moreover, I can not memorize new vocab. I think it is my weakness. I do not know how to pass my weakness.

However, my aim for next year is to get the scholarship from New Zeland with IELTS 6 . I know I need to try hard. Speaking and listening might be the…

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