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The winner is ...

In my culture we often say "there can only be one winner" but I think, this is not true. I have decided that all five students who submitted introductions for the jayzuubar writing competition are winners.

You are winners because you had a belief in yourself. You are winners because you displayed courage. You are winners because you had fear but this did not stop you. You are winners because you followed a dream. You are winners because all of you showed fantastic English language and critical thinking skills. Thank you all so much.

So, Hnin Nwe, Nyein Nyein, Hsu Wai Toe, Khin Chit Hsu Naing, and Nann Hla Khaing you are all winners and will share the writing prize of MMK 100,000 between you. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until COVID-19 has passed before I go out and wave MMK 20,000 to each of you. Thank you one and all. Absolutely fantastic writing!

Thanks again to those students who wrote in this competition. There will be another in April, so please write again. Keep writing and I will keep helping you as much as I can.


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1 comentario

Ei Ei Thein
Ei Ei Thein
29 mar 2020

Congratulation all winners on your confidence and success.

Me gusta
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