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U Thant

Perhaps the most famous Myanmar person in international world affairs is U Thant. U Thant was a Myanmar diplomat and the third Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1961 to 1971. He held the office for a record 10 years and one month (3,683 days). A native of Pantanaw, Thant was educated at the National High School and at Rangoon University.

In this video, you can hear three extracts of U Thant speaking at the United Nations.

Listen to U Thant and fill the gaps with ten nouns.

Swearing in ceremony

I, U Thant, solemnly swear to exercise in all loyalty, (1)________ and conscience, the functions entrusted to me as Acting Secretary-General of the United Nations. To discharge those functions and regulate my (2)_______ with the interests of the United Nations only in view and not to seek or accept instructions in regard to the performance of my (3)________ from any government or other (4)_______external to the organisation.

Cuban missile crisis

It calls for urgent (5)_______ between the parties directly involved, though as I said earlier, the rest of the world is also an interested party. In this context, (6)________, self-restraint, and good sense will prevail over all other considerations.

Preventive diplomacy

I feel that the Secretary-General will be called upon to perform more and more (7)_______, not originally contemplated in the Charter. But so long as the Secretary-General performs his functions, with full consciousness of the (8)_______ and attitudes of the Member States, particularly the big powers, and so long as he earns the (9)________ and confidence of the Member States, I think the (10)________ and principles of the Charter will be performed, and will be, in many ways, satisfactorily discharged.

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