onedharmaJan 15, 2020FastingTo fast = to stop eating for a period of time. Listen to the podcast and answer the 6 questions about fasting.
onedharmaJan 14, 2020Overweight and obeseIn some countries, the average weight of people is increasing and their level of health and fitness is decreasing. Write an IELTS essay.
onedharmaJan 11, 2020VipassanaVipassana is an ancient Buddhist meditation technique. Read about one Vipassana meditation centre and answer the multiple choice questions.
onedharmaDec 16, 2019CaffeineMany of us use caffeine every day when we drink coffee. Listen to the informative video and answer some questions
onedharmaDec 11, 2019Phone addictionAre you addicted to your mobile phone? A quick reading with a Reading summary completion test and vocabulary quiz.