onedharmaJul 22, 2020The human bodyOur bodies consist of a number of biological systems that carry out specific functions. Listen and answer the multiple choice questions.
onedharmaJul 17, 2020Dogs and malariaMultiple Choice: Dogs can detect malaria. Listen to the interesting BBC language video and answer the questions.
onedharmaJul 14, 2020Shaolin Buddhist kung fuShaolin Kung Fu combines Buddhist philosophy and martial arts. Listen to one monk's journey and answer the multiple choice questions.
onedharmaJul 3, 2020Myanmar Healthcare VolunteersVolunteers in Myanmar are serving the elderly to ensure they are aware and are screened for non communicable diseases.
Ei Ei TheinMay 7, 2020ProcrastinationProcrastination is delaying or postponing something that must be done. Watch the video and complete the multiple choice questions.