onedharmaAug 10, 2020Salone: a dying cultureMyanmar’s Salone people have been devastated by globalisation. Watch the video and answer the questions with no more than two words.
onedharmaAug 5, 2020The significance of medical advancesWe often take for granted the importance of medical advances. Write an IELTS essay discussing the significance of medical breakthroughs.
onedharmaJul 30, 2020The value of sportMany people play sports or are sports fans. However, many people who have no interest in sport. Write an IELTS Part 2 essay on sport.
onedharmaJul 28, 2020Robot carersShould robots care for the elderly? Listen to the BBC podcast and answer the multiple choice questions.
onedharmaJul 6, 2020Sex education in MyanmarShould children be taught sex education at school? Myanmar is facing this dilemma. Read the article and answer the IELTS style questions.