onedharmaSep 1, 2020First flying carRead the article about the first demonstration of a manned flying car and answer the IELTS style short answer questions.
onedharmaAug 14, 2020Learning right and wrongBankei Yotaku is one of the most important Japanese Zen Buddhist masters. Listen to the story about Bankei and learn some new vocabulary.
onedharmaApr 12, 2020Two monks walkingTwo monks, Tanzan and Ekido meet a beautiful girl on their travels. Listen to the Buddhist story and write a summary of the message.
onedharmaMar 23, 2020A film you likeVERB FORMS: Listen to the Speaking Part 2 answer on 'A film I like' and complete the eight gaps with the appropriate verb forms.
onedharmaJan 27, 2020Japan's futuristic CityToyota has decided to create a futuristic city. Read the eight multiple choice questions then watch the video to hear the answers.