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Nail in the head

In a recent post I discussed some of the issues relating to male-female communication. In particular that often women, when communicating just want to be heard, that is they do not want their male listener to offer advice or solutions, but just to listen and understand.

Equally, and this is where it gets difficult, men typically, are pragmatic and they like to fix things. So, men will often interrupt and give suggestions and advice when a woman is telling them of a problem they are facing.

So, women can get frustrated because men won't just be quiet and listen.

And, men can get frustrated because women don't want to hear their advice.

Here is a very short film that makes a joke about the different ways that men and women communicate with each other.

Watch and listen to the video (you can read the transcript below) and see if you can understand the humour.

It's just, there's all this pressure, you know. And sometimes it feels like it's right up on me and I can just feel it. Like, literally feel it in my head and it's relentless... and ... I don't know if it's going to stop. I mean, that's the thing that scares me the most. That is I don't know if it's ever going to stop.

Yeah ... well.... you do have a nail in your head?

It's not about the nail.

Are you sure? Because, I mean, I'll bet if we got that out of there..

Stop trying to fix it.

No, I'm not trying to fix it. I'm just pointing out that maybe the nail is causing...

You always do this. You always try to fix things when what I really need is for you to just listen!

See, I don't think that is what you need. I think what you need is to get the nail out ...

See, you're not even listening now.

Okay, fine, I will listen. Fine.

It's just sometimes, it's like there's this achy ... I don't know what it is. And I'm not sleeping very well at all. And all my sweaters are snagged. I mean all of them.

That sounds really hard.

It is. Thank you.


Come on.. if you would just ...



Complete the explanation of the video below with the eight words

listen / interrupting / humorous / fix / actually / removing / solution-oriented

The video is 1 _______ because the woman 2 __________ has a nail in her head. The man, who can see the nail, wants to 3_________ the woman's suffering by 4 ________ the nail. But, the woman thinks the man is just being 5________ and she just wants him to stop 6________ and 7______ to her problems.

When you are ready, enter you answers in the sheet below


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