onedharmaJul 6, 2020Sex education in MyanmarShould children be taught sex education at school? Myanmar is facing this dilemma. Read the article and answer the IELTS style questions.
onedharmaJul 3, 2020The Fosbury FlopThe Fosbury flop is the technique used by high jumpers in the Olympic games. Listen to the video and identify the statements as TFNG.
onedharmaJul 3, 2020Myanmar Healthcare VolunteersVolunteers in Myanmar are serving the elderly to ensure they are aware and are screened for non communicable diseases.
onedharmaJul 2, 2020Positive PsychologyListen to a lecturer talk about the 'theory of flow' and answer the IELTS style questions.
onedharmaJul 1, 2020World Drug DayFriday 26 June was 'World Drug Day'. Read the brief article about World Drug Day in Myanmar and answer the questions.