onedharmaMar 23, 2020A film you likeVERB FORMS: Listen to the Speaking Part 2 answer on 'A film I like' and complete the eight gaps with the appropriate verb forms.
onedharmaMar 16, 2020Gold leaf VERB FORMS: Watch the video about the creation of the gold leaf. Note the seven steps in the process and complete the summary.
onedharmaMar 14, 2020Crash landing on youRead the review of 'Crash landing on you' by Hayley Ho and match the following meanings with TEN words from the review.
onedharmaMar 10, 2020Lip blushingWatch and listen to the video of one woman having a lip blushing tattoo and answer the seven MC questions.
onedharmaMar 5, 2020Get a tattooIn many traditional cultures men and women had tattoos. Listen to the podcast about modern tattooing and complete the summary.