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TASK 5: Post a pic

I'm off to Dawei today so I figure (informal = I feel / I believe) you all deserve an easy task for the end of the week.

Post a favourite personal picture of yours in the comments section and explain why it is one of your favourites. It doesn't have to be a picture of you, it can be a picture of anything; a tree, a house, a group of people, you, your mum, but it must be a picture you have taken or that was taken with you present.

I'll start. I've got loads of favourite pics.

I took this picture of three young monks in a monastry in Hwe, in Vietnam in 2013. The monk of the right was incredibly handsome and looked quite noble with his shaved head. He and his friends had been tasked with cleaning the monastry grounds, and I spent an hour or so watching and chatting with them.

I really like the composition of this picture, with the young handsome monk in the foreground on the right, not looking at the camera, but he has his attention focussed on something off-camera. In the background two other monks work, equally focussed on what they are doing.

Your turn...


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Nan Seinmoh Moh
Nan Seinmoh Moh
Dec 08, 2019

Thank you Sir for your valuable comments. I am glad learning English with you. I think i have no chance to meet again. Thank you so much for your support for Myanmar people.


Dec 08, 2019

Sein Moh Moh, good to see you being active and using your English skills.

Awesome pic. I don't know whether I would wait three hours for a pic, I think I'm too impatient but this was 'worth the wait', it's a beautiful picture. I think it is a great sunset picture because you've framed the sunsets colours in the silhouette (= when something is dark because the light is behind it) of the monastry and the lamppost.

Some English feedback:

  • Excellent use of paragraphs to organise your ideas

  • Some great grammar used correctly (I had taken = past perfect, I was waiting = past continuous) to describe an event in the past

  • Good use of metaphor = the sky was…


Nan Seinmoh Moh
Nan Seinmoh Moh
Dec 07, 2019

This is a picture of sunset view which i took at Mandalay hill, in 2016 and my favourite picture because it was the best one of my pictures i had taken in my life. I was waiting to get this scene for about 3 hrs on the hill. After passing 3 hrs, the sun went down within a few minutes and the sky transferred to a very beautiful shapes with three colours which are gray, orange and red.

When I saw this view, i felt surprise because the whole space of the sky was burning. The people on the hill were delighted it. Some were taking the pictures. Some were seeing it. As for me, I was busy by fi…


Ei Ei Thein
Ei Ei Thein
Dec 06, 2019

Thanks for your feedback. I have noted.


Dec 06, 2019

EET, thanks. It's really interesting that you chose an abstract (= does not show reality but represents something) picture.

I really like the picture and the message it represents.

Some English feedback:

Great use of conditional (if we...)

Very effective use of linkers to start complex sentences (When, However)

To improve:

Left bottom ×

Bottom left 😁

When describing a position we say the up\down adjective first, then the right/left (e.g. top right)

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